

Monday, May 1, 2017

Feeling Grateful and 30 weeks

30 weeks! I cannot believe we are in the single digits of weeks left til we meet our sweet girl! This week she is about 16 inches long and 3 pounds!

We had a beautiful shower thrown by Mike's mom & sisters on Saturday! This little girl is so loved already. I am so so grateful for our family that surround us and support us! We are so blessed.

This week Mikey and I got talking and I was reminded about how grateful I am for this pregnancy and for how I've been feeling! First off, we are just SO grateful to be pregnant. This time last year was when I began to get discouraged with getting pregnant, we were trying  and kept getting negative pregnancy tests. It was so heart breaking month after month.

Then the beginning of the pregnancy was SO hard on me. From week 5-15 I was SO sick. I used to wake up in the night to eat and eat all throughout the day to no avail, I threw up everything. I was also so tired at the beginning, I would go bed at 7:30 nearly every night with no energy left in me, and I would wake up every hour or so throughout the night because the nausea was so uncomfortable. I remember packing bags of small snacks before I left to go anywhere so I had something to eat every hour and a half to two hours to help me when I was not at home. I remember throwing up on the side of the road, at school, at church, at work, in the public school I was teaching at, etc. I remember countless times sitting on the bathroom floor exhausted after throwing up for the 6 or 7th time in a few hours and crying. And during all of this, we were keeping our news a secret! I remember saying to Mike that this would be our FIRST AND LAST pregnancy just about everyday for a few weeks. (I am still not sure if I ever want to go through that again, it was really rough) I don't know how I continued to work and go to school and keep up with all of my responsibilities during that time.

Then in January we reached 15 weeks and it all went away literally overnight and the rest of my pregnancy has been a breeze! I started to feel our sweet girl moving around at this time. I got my energy back. I wasn't nauseous anymore. I am so grateful for how I have felt for the last 15 weeks, it has been such a blessing, and I have not forgotten how difficult those early weeks were!

People keep warning me that the end is going to be the worst- I sure hope not. It will be hard to match the misery of weeks 5-15. But so far, I can't complain. Yes, I am getting big and uncomfortable. Certain movements just don't happen anymore. I have aches and pains on occasion. I have to pee all of the time. I have some swelling and itching. But it is no. big. deal. I love that I look pregnant and people ask about it all of the time. I love that I feel our girl kicking, hiccuping, and bumping around all day long. I love getting the nursery and baby supplies ready for her! Being pregnant is such a blessing and a miracle. I am so excited to meet our sweet girl so soon!

Lots of love,

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