

Friday, May 26, 2017

34 weeks

We are 34 weeks! This week the baby should be just under 5 pounds and almost 18 inches! She is getting so big! Just this morning Mike and I sat in bed watching her move and he was dyinggg. She was moving around a lot and you would see her bum or hand or foot push up against my stomach pretty high or at one point she stretched across my body and you could see her body stretching and then she pushed up at each end so my stomach looked concave (for the first time in months!) Mike thought that one was insane! It was so funny.

I am so relieved we made it to and from Hawaii in one piece! I have been a little concerned about not being able to go on that trip or having complications while there, but it was smooth sailing! The flight attendants on every flight said to me- "you keep that baby in until we land!" and it made me so nervous every time haha!

We are getting so excited to meet our girl!!

lots of love,

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