

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

a trip with dad

Miracles happen peeps.

Our office had a loan closing out in NY a couple weeks back.  My dad didn't want to go to NYC alone... because who would?  Mom couldn't go, Brylee couldn't go... so I GOT TO GO. besides the fact that it is my FAVORITE city ever and my home away from home, I had done a lot of the work for this project so it was just fitting that I got to go.

It was such a fun few days with dad.  It was our first and last trip that we got to take with just the two of us because he felt bad for taking me away from my sweet hubby.  Who I missed miserably THE WHOLE TIME.

On Friday we hit the ground running. we went to the NYC temple that I have so many fond memories in... so that was pure joy.  And we went to the Yankees and Mets game... SO FUN!

the game was at Citi field: Mets home stadium but we had to do a pass by Yankee stadium for me! 

Saturday we went to the Metropolitan museum- which is Museum heaven for me!  Central Park, Times Square, and Phantom on Broadway.  I got the chills in every song and I even cried. It was honestly breath taking.  I could see it over and over again. It was pure magic.

The metropolitan <3
PHANTOM!!!! <3 <3 <3

Sunday was really special for me.  I got to visit some dear friends that are more like family to me from the mission days.  Then dad and I hit the town again for another night at times square and on broadway- we saw Matilda and it was so good!

 Francisco is a faithful member who felt like a dad to me.  We spent Christmas with he and his wife.  His wife is not a member and we got to teach her and watch her grow in faith and understanding.  His wife had to work this weekend so we did not get to see her. But sent lots of love! 
 Joel is a convert that I got to teach and watch progress to baptism.  He is a dear friend. 

Monday was our closing so we spent the day up in NY state taking care of business.  After the meeting we hit China town and Little Italy.  We had the yummiest Italian food (gluten-free for me which was so dreamy!)  We did some sight seeing and hit up our favorite pizza shop one last time.

It was the perfect amount of time and I had an absolute blast having some quality daddy time!

I also take pride in teaching daddy the true NYC ways.

Pizza everyday X
minimum of 9 miles of walking everyday X
subway system mastery X
Coco Helado X
Bodega Sandwich X

I love my NYC.
lots of big apple lovin,

Friday, September 11, 2015

wedding day

It was the happiest day ever, the best day ever, and everything I had ever dreamed. I am so grateful for my Mike and our families and friends who made it perfect!  Most of all, I am grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who took us to the right places at the right times so this could all fall into place. <3

so here is an overload of pictures.

Our completed wedding video is found here:

lots of love, 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

farewell boys

My handsome little (not so little anymore) brother is headed to Calgary Canada to serve a mission for our church. Mike's younger brother is also headed out a few weeks after my brother leaves to serve in Sydney Australia.  We are trying to soak up every moment we get with them before they leave.  We are going to miss them so so much.

 Mikki Platt captured this gem at our wedding. she is too good. i love everything about this picture.

Brackin has always been the comedy relief in our home.  The kid is hilarious, quick and so witty.  Sunday dinners at my house are full of laughter mainly because of him.  I love the random texts and phone calls I get from him and I will miss those so much.  I am also going to miss our heart to hearts.  When the kid stops joking around, he opens up with the biggest heart you can find in a manly-man, football playing, wrestling, construction-working body.  And his hugs, oh I will miss those- he is the kind of hugger that just squeezes to the point where your ribs will explode at any moment.  The kid is good. The honest and pure kind of good. And gosh, I love him.  I am not super excited to share him, but I will. Cause Canada is getting one stellar missionary.

James and I have only known each other for about 6 months- but let me tell you about this stud.  He is passionate and oh so loyal.  He is a classy guy and so mature for his age.  The kid is admired by everyone- me, his siblings, and his friends.  James is a fighter and a hard worker.  And I know he will be a diligent, obedient, leader in his mission.  Leading is just one of his God-given abilities.  I love that James is honest- I know I can ask him anything and he will shoot it with me straight.  Australia is so blessed and his future companions are getting such a tender mercy because he is going to be the missionary everyone wants to serve with.

The mission humbles young adults in the way we need it the most, teaches us unconditional love, a missionary learns the Gospel in the most pure basic way and strengthens faith and testimony.  A mission teaches culture and tradition.  A missionary faces trials and challenges on every level and learns that he or she is capable of doing hard things.  A missionary learns to appreciate family. More than anything- a missionary learns of Christ, his life, His atonement and a missionary develops a very personal real relationship with him.  It is an honestly beautiful experience.  Have I mentioned that I LOVED my mission?!  Because I honestly did.  It was the best thing I could have done when I was their age and I am grateful for my mission every single day.

So, I will deal with my own selfish sadness.  My heart already hurts when I think about two whole years without these boys that I love.  But I know they are making a selfless decision to serve our Master and I admire that more than they currently comprehend.  I cannot wait to hear all about it.

lots of love (and a few tears),