We are 14 weeks today! The baby is the size of a peach, weighs 3.5 ounces and is 1.5 inches long from its head to its bum!
I haven't felt the baby move yet and that is what I am MOST excited for!
I am also SUPER excited to find out the gender in just a few more weeks! 90% of our family and friends are completely convinced that it is a boy, but I have had quite a few dreams that it is a girl... so that is where I am leaning, but I have no clue!
I am having an aversion to cafe rio and costa vida salads, which is very unfortunate. I went from a serious aversion to all things sweet- to CRAVING sweets big time. I am also craving fruit!
My sleep has been hit and miss throughout this whole pregnancy, mostly miss. It is not uncommon for me to wake up around 2 am and stay awake until about 4 am. I am hoping sleep gets better this trimester before I get huge!!
Baby products- so far we have gotten 2 pairs of gender neutral freshly picked moccasins, because I have zero self control, I had a coupon and they were on sale! :) We have also bought a baby bath because that was on sale too! My parents have already gotten us our diaper bag- it is so pretty I cant wait to stock it up with all of the baby gear this summer! I also need to find some maternity pants soon, my belly is starting to grow and fast! Just over the last few days my pants have not been comfortable.
I am feeling 100 times better! There have been 2 days this week that I haven't felt pregnant because I just feel like me! The nausea is pretty much gone unless I go too long without eating and I haven't thrown up since last week!! Yay!!! I have started to get migraines, bad migraines. So hopefully those don't become too frequent.
I have had so many spiritual experiences over the course of this pregnancy and the months leading up to it that I don't ever want to forget. The Lord's timing is not our timing, but it is always right. I feel that there is a sweet little spirit that is ready to come to us, NOW. I have felt this so many times and I am so grateful for it. I have had overwhelming peace about all of the changes that will be happening. We are still in school and trying to make a living while taking classes full time so starting a family is not exactly convenient, but I know it will all work out. I have also felt so much peace about the baby's health, I haven't experienced much worry or any anxiety about the baby and I am so grateful for this peace!
Lots of love,
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