This week baby girl is the size of a pomegranate. She weighs 5 ounces and is 5 inches long from her head to her bum.
I didn't have any cravings this week.
I still cannot handle a costa vida or cafe rio salad. My brain tells me I really want one, but my stomach says NO! I also have an aversion to all the things I used to crave at the beginning like refried beans and cottage cheese make me want to die.
Movement is still very uncommon for me to feel, I only feel her in there a few times a week so it's still very special! I cannot believe how active she was during our ultrasound last week! I know I mentioned this last week, but she was kicking and moving around THE WHOLE TIME. The ultrasound tech was laughing at how active she was. I also can't believe how long and cute her tiny little legs are. I can't wait to see her! Growing a human is an amazing miracle and I am so humbled that I get to be the one experiencing this!
The only thing we bought this week was this rocking bassinet- it was on killer sale and I had an amazon gift card to use so I literally saved more than 60% on it! Baby stuff is so expensive so it's relieving when we find a good sale! We are on the lookout for sales of cribs, city select strollers, bumbos, (or another easily portable awesome high chair) and the nuna carseats.
This weekend we were in Monticello for the funeral of Mike's Grandpa. It was a beautiful service and recognition of his life. I learned so many things about him this weekend and it was so fun for me to know him more. As we were there I caught myself getting extremely emotional. Funerals always remind me how precious life really is, and to hold on tight to your loved ones. I am so grateful for the Plan of Salvation and the hope and promise it gives us that we will be together as families forever. It is a beautiful part of the gospel. It was a hard but wonderful weekend all at the same time.
Lots of love,

Monday, January 30, 2017
Sunday, January 22, 2017
16 weeks
We are 16 weeks! The baby is the size of an avocado. The baby weighs 3.5 ounces and is 4.5 inches from its head to its bum.
We went in to find out the gender yesterday and we are SO excited to be having a little girl!
I felt the baby move for the first time this week! I felt a super faint fluttering in my stomach and then it happened again just a few moments later. I was laying flat on my back and so I started pushing back on my belly and felt it a few more times!! I have felt it again four different times this week when I have been laying down. I cannot wait for the moving to be so strong that Mike can feel it through my belly!! While we were at our ultrasound yesterday the baby was moving all over! Just kicking and jerking. I don't think she likes to be pushed on, HAHA! I am a little worried that when she is bigger she is going to do some damage to my insides!
I didn't really have any cravings this week!
I am still having an aversion to salads in general, which is so weird cause salads are normally a staple in my gluten free diet, but I can't even with a salad right now.
We bought a bunch of baby clothes yesterday! We couldn't help ourselves! It is so fun to know what we are having, I am so glad we decided to find out!
It seems like pregnancy goes by SO much faster when you're not throwing up all of your food! I have been feeling SO much better over the last couple of weeks and now it seems like time is flying right by!! We are so grateful for this little baby girl!
Lots of love,
Friday, January 13, 2017
15 Weeks
I still think that the gender of baby D is a girl, Mike is starting to lean towards a girl as well, but a majority of our family and friends still think its a boy. We will hopefully find out next week!!
Like last week, I haven't felt any movement yet! I am getting really excited to feel the baby moving!!
Thankfully I haven't had any serious cravings this week. I am still craving sweets, reeses are my weakness, so I made Mike hide them from me so I only eat a couple at night! HAHA!
I still have an aversion to Cafe Rio/ Costa Vida salads. I also dry heave when I open the fridge in the morning, I don't understand why but looking at food when I wake up is not pleasant for some reason.
I have slept pretty bad this week. I think its because of school stress, I am always so worried I am forgetting an assignment or something.
Baby products we refrained from buying anymore baby products this week. Since we hopefully will know the gender next week I know things may get a little crazy, so I am holding out for that excuse!
I am feeling so much better than the first trimester! I am so grateful to be feeling better, I have thrown up a few times in the past week. It is mostly after I workout, so at least it's not morning sickness, I am really hoping I will continue to get better and be able to workout without throwing up soon.
We got to go to the ice castles last weekend with my family and we had so much fun! It was our first time going, and I wish I had gone in the past! It was so beautiful and fun! I definitely want to turn it into a yearly tradition to go visit them! And, how cute is my family?? Seriously, the cutest humans.
Lots of love,
Friday, January 6, 2017
Pregnancy Update 14 weeks
We are 14 weeks today! The baby is the size of a peach, weighs 3.5 ounces and is 1.5 inches long from its head to its bum!
I haven't felt the baby move yet and that is what I am MOST excited for!
I am also SUPER excited to find out the gender in just a few more weeks! 90% of our family and friends are completely convinced that it is a boy, but I have had quite a few dreams that it is a girl... so that is where I am leaning, but I have no clue!
I am having an aversion to cafe rio and costa vida salads, which is very unfortunate. I went from a serious aversion to all things sweet- to CRAVING sweets big time. I am also craving fruit!
My sleep has been hit and miss throughout this whole pregnancy, mostly miss. It is not uncommon for me to wake up around 2 am and stay awake until about 4 am. I am hoping sleep gets better this trimester before I get huge!!
Baby products- so far we have gotten 2 pairs of gender neutral freshly picked moccasins, because I have zero self control, I had a coupon and they were on sale! :) We have also bought a baby bath because that was on sale too! My parents have already gotten us our diaper bag- it is so pretty I cant wait to stock it up with all of the baby gear this summer! I also need to find some maternity pants soon, my belly is starting to grow and fast! Just over the last few days my pants have not been comfortable.
I am feeling 100 times better! There have been 2 days this week that I haven't felt pregnant because I just feel like me! The nausea is pretty much gone unless I go too long without eating and I haven't thrown up since last week!! Yay!!! I have started to get migraines, bad migraines. So hopefully those don't become too frequent.
I have had so many spiritual experiences over the course of this pregnancy and the months leading up to it that I don't ever want to forget. The Lord's timing is not our timing, but it is always right. I feel that there is a sweet little spirit that is ready to come to us, NOW. I have felt this so many times and I am so grateful for it. I have had overwhelming peace about all of the changes that will be happening. We are still in school and trying to make a living while taking classes full time so starting a family is not exactly convenient, but I know it will all work out. I have also felt so much peace about the baby's health, I haven't experienced much worry or any anxiety about the baby and I am so grateful for this peace!
Lots of love,
I haven't felt the baby move yet and that is what I am MOST excited for!
I am also SUPER excited to find out the gender in just a few more weeks! 90% of our family and friends are completely convinced that it is a boy, but I have had quite a few dreams that it is a girl... so that is where I am leaning, but I have no clue!
I am having an aversion to cafe rio and costa vida salads, which is very unfortunate. I went from a serious aversion to all things sweet- to CRAVING sweets big time. I am also craving fruit!
My sleep has been hit and miss throughout this whole pregnancy, mostly miss. It is not uncommon for me to wake up around 2 am and stay awake until about 4 am. I am hoping sleep gets better this trimester before I get huge!!
Baby products- so far we have gotten 2 pairs of gender neutral freshly picked moccasins, because I have zero self control, I had a coupon and they were on sale! :) We have also bought a baby bath because that was on sale too! My parents have already gotten us our diaper bag- it is so pretty I cant wait to stock it up with all of the baby gear this summer! I also need to find some maternity pants soon, my belly is starting to grow and fast! Just over the last few days my pants have not been comfortable.
I am feeling 100 times better! There have been 2 days this week that I haven't felt pregnant because I just feel like me! The nausea is pretty much gone unless I go too long without eating and I haven't thrown up since last week!! Yay!!! I have started to get migraines, bad migraines. So hopefully those don't become too frequent.
I have had so many spiritual experiences over the course of this pregnancy and the months leading up to it that I don't ever want to forget. The Lord's timing is not our timing, but it is always right. I feel that there is a sweet little spirit that is ready to come to us, NOW. I have felt this so many times and I am so grateful for it. I have had overwhelming peace about all of the changes that will be happening. We are still in school and trying to make a living while taking classes full time so starting a family is not exactly convenient, but I know it will all work out. I have also felt so much peace about the baby's health, I haven't experienced much worry or any anxiety about the baby and I am so grateful for this peace!
Lots of love,
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Dear Baby Dely,
Mommy found out we were expecting you on Monday November 7, 2016 at about 5:30 in the morning. I was a week late and had been very sick and nauseated since Friday and I was experiencing other symptoms as well, so I really needed to take a test. The pregnancy test immediately showed up as positive, I didn't even have to wait. As soon as I saw it, I stared at it for a while making sure I was reading it right. After my moment of shock, I fell to my knees in tears. I was so excited to be your mommy! I have waited my entire life to be a mommy and I am so excited for this phase of my life to begin! You are so so loved little one. In those first few moments I said a prayer thanking Heavenly Father for this blessing and for trusting daddy and I to raise you. Because it was still so early in the morning, I wanted daddy to get his sleep, so I went on with my morning routine. I woke daddy up around 7 and asked him to help me with breakfast. I placed the pregnancy test right where I thought he would see it, but he walked right past it (he is very sleepy in the mornings). So I had to call him back. He also took a moment just staring at the test before reacting. He gave me a big long hug and is so excited to meet you! Daddy talks to you everyday in my belly, even though you can't hear him yet, and I think it is so sweet!
Like I said before, I have been very sick, especially from weeks 4-8 I had morning sickness starting around 2 am and it normally lasted until the late afternoon or evening. Some days it never went away. I spent many of my days mostly in the bathroom throwing up everything I tried to eat. I lost quite a bit of weight in those first few weeks. We are now 13 and a half weeks and things have gotten so much better! My energy is back and I am not throwing up nearly as frequently. I am grateful to be feeling better and better each day.
I have had all sorts of food cravings and aversions. My cravings have included, oranges, refried beans, pizza, peanut butter and jelly, anything potato, and cottage cheese (I can't begin to tell you how weird this last one is for me!!) My food cravings have also decreased over the last few weeks. The only consistent food aversion I have had is to all sweets and I have had an aversion to everything I craved after I stopped craving it, haha! My appetite is slowly coming back now which is so nice!
When daddy and I told your grandpartents that you were joining our family their reactions were priceless! Grandma Delahunty did a quiet scream and cried! Grandpa Delahunty is in Antartica right now working for a few months so we emailed him- he is very excited! Nana was absolutely shocked and so excited! And Papa was very surprised and then cried! Your grandparents love you so much! We have told your aunts and uncles too and they are so excited to meet you! Cousin Ruby is too little to understand what is going on, but we have taught her that there is a baby in my belly and she will say "hi baby" and give my belly kisses on occasion. It melts my heart! We are so glad you will have at least one cousin for now. But in a few years you'll have a lot more cousins to play with!
On December 6 we went in for our first ultrasound. I can't tell you how nervous and excited I was. I was praying that you were healthy and that we would hear your heart beat! We loved our doctor! He explained everything to us, sleep, diet, expectations, healthy activities, he told us we could still go to hawaii in May, etc! We LOVED our time with him. Then he took us in for the ultrasound. As soon as the ultrasound met my belly we saw you!! It was so fun to see your little arms and legs! You're such a cute little gummy bear right now! Then he turned on the sound and your heart came on loud and clear! I started to tear up a bit, this is definitely one of the best moments in my life! WE LOVE YOU! We are so excited to meet you and watch you grow! We went in for another appointment this morning, and you are still growing strong and healthy! We are now 13 and a half weeks and you are past the scary pregnancy stage which is so relieving to me! I love hearing your heartbeat! I wish I could hear it more than just every 4 weeks!
On December 6 we went in for our first ultrasound. I can't tell you how nervous and excited I was. I was praying that you were healthy and that we would hear your heart beat! We loved our doctor! He explained everything to us, sleep, diet, expectations, healthy activities, he told us we could still go to hawaii in May, etc! We LOVED our time with him. Then he took us in for the ultrasound. As soon as the ultrasound met my belly we saw you!! It was so fun to see your little arms and legs! You're such a cute little gummy bear right now! Then he turned on the sound and your heart came on loud and clear! I started to tear up a bit, this is definitely one of the best moments in my life! WE LOVE YOU! We are so excited to meet you and watch you grow! We went in for another appointment this morning, and you are still growing strong and healthy! We are now 13 and a half weeks and you are past the scary pregnancy stage which is so relieving to me! I love hearing your heartbeat! I wish I could hear it more than just every 4 weeks!
You are our miracle, getting pregnant this quickly on fertility treatment is very rare, we feel so very blessed! Keep fighting and growing strong! We love you so much gummy bear!
Our experience with infertility
Since I was a toddler, I "cared" for a slew of babies. I began to babysit at the young age of 8 years old. I filled my life with babysitting and nannying jobs as a teenager. I declared my major in college as elementary education. My dream job was never to be a pilot, the president, an astronaut or anything else a young child wants to be, I have always had the innate desire to be a stay at home mother. Due to my varying health challenges that have arisen over the last few years, I had the feeling that getting pregnant would not come easily. In the beginning of 2016, Mike and I unexpectedly felt impressed to start trying to conceive. This seemed completely absurd to us. I was in the thick of my junior year in college, and he was nowhere near graduating. We had always thought we would start trying once I had my degree. But the impression came and there was no denying it, so we stopped birth control.
After 6 consecutive months of trying without conceiving I went in to see my OB and she ran some tests. The results, although not a surprise, were devastating to hear. I indeed was unable to conceive naturally. My doctor was very real with us explaining that some couples get pregnant quickly on fertility medication while most couples need a lot more time, even years, experimenting with a slew of medications and treatments. She even mentioned that IVF was a very expensive procedure and it may be in our best interest to begin saving money, just in case. This conversation and reality crushed me. I literally could feel my heart break as I realized it could be years before Mike and I had the privilege of becoming parents. I wanted nothing more than to be a mommy. School could wait. A career could wait. But I was not sure that I could wait. This time was full of prayers by us and our families. These prayers no doubt strengthened us, but there were many private moments of tears and sadness as I thought about the road still ahead. There is something about infertility that makes you feel the opposite of feminine, I blamed myself for things out of my control. These months were difficult for me as a woman.
In October, after 12 cycles of trying to conceive naturally my OB started us on our first round of clomid. She warned me not to get my hopes up, but assured us it would happen eventually. I went in on day 21 to get my progesterone tested, this test was to see if I had ovulated in my cycle. My results came back at an 11, with medication I should have been at 15. I asked the nurse what the chances were that we were pregnant with these results- she explained that the medicine had worked and my body had responded, but that the results were very low. She said she couldn't say for sure, but the chances were under ten percent that we were pregnant. I was grateful that my body responded, but sad it hadn't been more successful. I forced myself to stay positive, the fact that my body responded truly was a miracle and it was good news! I knew that we would get pregnant when the timing was right. We waited for the next cycle to try again. But it never came.
On November 7, 2016, after being more than a week late, I took a pregnancy test. I had spent the weekend throwing up and experiencing other early pregnancy symptoms, but I dismissed the signs because everything said there was no way we could already be pregnant, especially my blood test. Mike forced me to take one because of all of the symptoms I was experiencing, but I was convinced that there was no way we were expecting. I looked down and saw a positive and thought I had lost my mind. I stared for a long time double checking I was reading it right, and then fell to my knees in tears.
We know we are some of the lucky ones. It is uncommon to have success with the first prescription. We know that we may not be as lucky as we try to expand our family in the future, but we are so grateful for our little miracle. This experience has been so eye opening to me for those patient, wonderful, capable women who would make great mothers and can't yet have a baby. My heart hurts for them. We only felt a tiny sliver of what some people go through for years and I cannot imagine what that must be like.
I have learned so much over the last year and I am grateful for the trial and blessings we saw then
and now. I have learned to never, under any circumstance, ask a couple when they are going to start a family- because you never know what is going on. I have also learned that if someone does talk to you about infertility they just need someone to listen to them, support them, and pray for them. You can't solve their problem. I have so much respect for those couples who struggle with infertility and my prayers go to them as they struggle. I am brought to tears daily for our little miracle. We are so blessed.
Lots of love,
After 6 consecutive months of trying without conceiving I went in to see my OB and she ran some tests. The results, although not a surprise, were devastating to hear. I indeed was unable to conceive naturally. My doctor was very real with us explaining that some couples get pregnant quickly on fertility medication while most couples need a lot more time, even years, experimenting with a slew of medications and treatments. She even mentioned that IVF was a very expensive procedure and it may be in our best interest to begin saving money, just in case. This conversation and reality crushed me. I literally could feel my heart break as I realized it could be years before Mike and I had the privilege of becoming parents. I wanted nothing more than to be a mommy. School could wait. A career could wait. But I was not sure that I could wait. This time was full of prayers by us and our families. These prayers no doubt strengthened us, but there were many private moments of tears and sadness as I thought about the road still ahead. There is something about infertility that makes you feel the opposite of feminine, I blamed myself for things out of my control. These months were difficult for me as a woman.
In October, after 12 cycles of trying to conceive naturally my OB started us on our first round of clomid. She warned me not to get my hopes up, but assured us it would happen eventually. I went in on day 21 to get my progesterone tested, this test was to see if I had ovulated in my cycle. My results came back at an 11, with medication I should have been at 15. I asked the nurse what the chances were that we were pregnant with these results- she explained that the medicine had worked and my body had responded, but that the results were very low. She said she couldn't say for sure, but the chances were under ten percent that we were pregnant. I was grateful that my body responded, but sad it hadn't been more successful. I forced myself to stay positive, the fact that my body responded truly was a miracle and it was good news! I knew that we would get pregnant when the timing was right. We waited for the next cycle to try again. But it never came.
On November 7, 2016, after being more than a week late, I took a pregnancy test. I had spent the weekend throwing up and experiencing other early pregnancy symptoms, but I dismissed the signs because everything said there was no way we could already be pregnant, especially my blood test. Mike forced me to take one because of all of the symptoms I was experiencing, but I was convinced that there was no way we were expecting. I looked down and saw a positive and thought I had lost my mind. I stared for a long time double checking I was reading it right, and then fell to my knees in tears.
We know we are some of the lucky ones. It is uncommon to have success with the first prescription. We know that we may not be as lucky as we try to expand our family in the future, but we are so grateful for our little miracle. This experience has been so eye opening to me for those patient, wonderful, capable women who would make great mothers and can't yet have a baby. My heart hurts for them. We only felt a tiny sliver of what some people go through for years and I cannot imagine what that must be like.
I have learned so much over the last year and I am grateful for the trial and blessings we saw then
and now. I have learned to never, under any circumstance, ask a couple when they are going to start a family- because you never know what is going on. I have also learned that if someone does talk to you about infertility they just need someone to listen to them, support them, and pray for them. You can't solve their problem. I have so much respect for those couples who struggle with infertility and my prayers go to them as they struggle. I am brought to tears daily for our little miracle. We are so blessed.
Lots of love,
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