

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

18 weeks

Baby girl is the size of a bell pepper. She is just under 7 ounces and is over 5 and a half inches from her head to her bum.
I am still pinching myself that we are having a sweet baby girl. It makes me so happy! I was secretly terrified of having all boys- so I am SO glad I for sure get my girl! I cannot wait to play dress up and house and do all of the fun mommy daughter things. I am so grateful I have an angel mother who has prioritized family time and taught me all the fun and sweet things to do with this baby girl.
This week I decided to eat more healthy, so I planned out our dinners and made a goal to only eat fruits and vegetables for snacking and stuck to my plan, except for the entire bag of chips I ate and the chickfila and chocolate my angel mother brought me.. Why do I crave chips and chocolate SO BADLY? Those two things have been a constant craving for me for about a month now. Anyways, I am really proud of how I ate, besides the chips and chocolate, and I feel balance is an important thing in life, so it's all good, right? I know if I cut out all of the yumminess I would give up in a few days, so I am taking baby steps :)
I still have an aversion to cafe rio and costa vida. It is really sad. I am have a feeling this one is going to last my whole pregnancy.
Baby girl is SO active. I am beginning to wonder when she sleeps! I was at a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and we could hear her moving through the heart monitor. The doctor said she was very ative. In about a minute's time we heard her move 5 or 6 times. I feel her moving around every night now and even Mikey felt her for the first time! That was a special moment, he was beaming. He is going to be the cutest daddy, I can't handle it.
I didn't buy any baby products this week, we are hoping to move north a bit to lessen mike's commute to school and work.  I am hoping we move sometime in March and then I am going to start on the big purchases of crib, car seat, stroller, etc and get working on that nursery.

Mike started his new job this week and is really enjoying it! Except the commute. His schedule is absolutely crazy, and he hasn't complained once. We wakes up everyday at 5:30 and leaves for school around 6:15. He goes to school for a few hours (its different everyday) and then goes straight into work until 7:30. (He is working 33 hours a week.) Then he gets home around 8:10, eats dinner, and does homework until midnight. I don't know how he is doing it. He works so hard. He is seriously my hero! I am grateful our move is going to cut back on his commute so he has about another hour each day to do homework/sleep. I love my hubby so so much!!

lots of love,

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