

Friday, February 24, 2017

21 weeks

Baby girl is 21 weeks! She is the size of a cantaloupe. She is 12.7 ounces and is 10.5 inches long! I can now feel where her body is in my stomach and its the craziest thing.

I feel so weird taking bump pictures.. this is the first one I have ever taken.

My cravings are still chocolate and salty snacks, like chips. So bad. I have been really trying to limit those from my diet.
My aversions are still cafe rio and costa vida. It is still very sad.
Even with the move tomorrow, I bought some baby bows last weekend. They were on sale and SO SO CUTE! This next week we will start buying for her nursery. I am ecstatic just a tiny bit excited! Mike told me not to buy anything else until our ultrasound this next week, just to make sure that it is really a girl! They were sure at our first ultrasound, but it would be so sad to buy all of these baby girl things for a boy. HAHA!

My belly is really popping these days and there is no hiding this baby bump! My hands have also begun to swell. I don't love that. I am not going to be able to wear my wedding ring for much longer. We go to the doctor this Thursday for our long ultrasound where they check everything. I am nervous, I really hope our sweet girl is healthy and progressing correctly. I am so excited to see her in there and I am hoping she is face up this time so we can see her profile! She kicks anything and everything that gets in her way. Whether its Mike when we cuddle or a desk. She is so possessive of her space :/ poor baby is going to hate being squished soon! HAHA! We have a sassy one on our hands, no doubt. We are excited for our move tomorrow and hope everything goes well!

Lots of love,

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