I sure do love this man! And I am so glad we have spent the last week celebrating him and his life!!
The partying began last Monday. My parents threw a family BBQ for him with his favorite foods. We finished the night with a delicious white chocolate raspberry cake, a fire, and some s'mores! My parents got mike new swimming shorts and a really good looking shirt (picked out by yours truly;) ).
My cute mom is amazing. She found this yummy recipe for white chocolate raspberry cake (which we have learned is Mike's favorite flavor through wedding cake appointments- haha!) It was a hit!
Everyone loved it!
On Wednesday, Mike's true birthday I got really sick. Unfortunately our plans had to get moved around. I gave him his presents. We did a quick run up to H&M so he could pick up some shorts he has been eyeing, and we went out to dinner. We then went back to my house and snuggled for a while. I felt so bad I was sick, and tried my very best to suck it up so he could have a special day.
I made Mike a photo album with all of our pictures from our relationship, and got him his favorite cologne- Acqua di Gio from Giorgio Armani. Oh my land, it is yummy!
On Saturday when I was healthy again I took him on a real birthday date. I took him on a hike up to battle creek falls, we put out a blanket at the top of the waterfall and scarfed down some yummy costa vida. (my version of a picnic lol!) After our hike we went to The Chocolate to grab some dessert and ended with a drive through Provo Canyon at sunset! It was a super fun date with my lover boy! I love celebrating him!

Finally, last night we got to end the birthday festivities with his parents! They took Mike and I to Goodwood BBQ (one of Mike's favorites! The man likes himself some BBQ if you didn't notice) It was so fun to get intimate time with Chris and Camille. It doesn't happen a lot when there are 8 kids running around, so it was pretty special! I am so grateful for them and the people that they are. They have raised a stalwart, respectful son and for that I am oh so grateful. I very much look forward to becoming their daughter soon! They opened their home and hearts to me on day one and our relationships have progressed with each passing day. Seriously, I just love them! I am so blessed to have these wonderful people in my life. And I am overwhelmed with gratitude that they are mine forever.
I am pretty sure Mike had a great birthday- I mean, it lasted a whole week!! I sure do love him. I am so glad we get to spend all of our birthdays together for the rest of eternity! Happy Birthday Michael! 21 honestly NEVER looked so good... ;) XOXO
lots of love,