

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Baby Name Game

Mike and I have not decided on a name for our baby girl yet. We get asked this question all of the time. So we have started joking that we are going to name her Diamond Destiny. (Its from the movie Storks, which is super funny and everyone should go watch it). Poor baby girl may have the nickname of diamond destiny her whole life.

Guys, this baby bump is getting big! :0

We want to give all of our children the same first letter to their first name. This is a family tradition that has been passed down from my dad's side of the family and Mike and I like it so we want to keep it going. It is hard to commit to a letter for our future children, so this first child's name has a lot of responsibility associated with it! We do have a few favorite and likely letters, they are L, R, C, & E

I have learned that everyone has an opinion about names. People are unashamed to share their opinions whether its in favor of or against the desire of the parents. (I am guilty of doing this with Brennan and Rachel) But I cannot believe what people have said to me about choosing names. Mike and I created this little girl', we get to raise her, and we will be choosing her name. I don't want to have any outside influence or opinion. I think the names we have chosen are beautiful and I really don't care what anyone else thinks, except for our moms. They have both approved of our final 5. (Or they lied about their approval, haha!)

I literally had a list of about 30 names that we had casually mentioned over the last little while and we narrowed that puppy down to 5 names for our girl. We definitely have 2 strong contenders in that list, but we are waiting to meet our baby before we decide for sure. We do have 2/3 of her name picked out though! She will share her middle name, Jayne, with my mom's mom who passed away. And her last name will be Delahunty. That's progress! ;) I can't wait to meet her and I hope when we do a name will just feel right!

Lots of love,

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