We are 27 weeks! Baby girl is 14.5 inches and 2 pounds now. We are in the third trimester. How did that happen??!
I took my glucose test this week. Everyone warned me about the test being bad, but it wasn't too bad for me. I am grateful it wasn't a super bad experience and very grateful that my results were negative!
I haven't done a pregnancy update in a while! I haven't had any super strong cravings or aversions for a while. Salads are still not my favorite thing to eat, but I can stomach one if I have to. I'll have random cravings too like yesterday I wanted a jolly rancher... I am pretty confident I haven't eaten a jolly rancher in 10 years haha!
Baby girl is still so so active and I love it! I love watching my belly move throughout the day!
My sleep is getting a little rough at night. My belly feels heavy and its so hard to re position during the night. I wake up a lot because I am uncomfortable or I have to pee, again! I make myself a nest of pillows every night and that helps. Sometimes I use mike as a full body pillow too. So I can have one on each side, haha! Last night baby girl was kicking him in the back hard enough that he could feel it and it was so funny. This child is going to be sassy, I am sure!
We have really begun getting things ready over the last few weeks. So far we have the crib, mattress, sheets, and the quilt. The nursery is almost totally decorated, we just have a few more things to finish up, it is my favorite room in our little home! We also have a baby bath, thermometer, bassinet, blessing dress and lots of random little things. We have ordered the stroller and car seat yesterday so those are coming. We still need a baby monitor, a baby carrier so we can go hiking, and all of the soaps, lotions, creams, diapers, lots more clothes, etc. But we are pretty prepared considering we still have 13 weeks!

My Sister opened her mission call recently. We are so excited she is going to be serving in the Baltimore Maryland mission! She is going to be a fabulous missionary and I know she is going to have so many wonderful experiences! She leaves on July 12. My family will all be out of town for 10 days until July 5, our due date is July 7, her farewell will be July 9, and then she leaves on July 12. HAHA! It is going to be crazy town over the course of that week. I am really hoping that the baby is healthy and ready whenever she comes, but it would be most convenient if she came anytime between the evening of the 5th through the 9th, I am probably going to jinx it because I am saying that! But I want to be able to go with the family to drop her off at the MTC. And I would love it if the baby came before she leaves so she can have a few days to snuggle her! But, more than anything I just want our girl to be healthy. So I will be happy with whatever is supposed to happen.
Here's a little video I made of Bry's mission call opening.
Lots of love,