

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

back to reality.

A little perspective after a rough day

We got back from our honeymoon last Wednesday.  After flying all through the night and a 4 hour time change plus a delay in LAX on our layover we were TIRED.  We got in around noon and began moving into our apartment immediately.

We went to our parents' homes and loaded up all of our stuff apart from furniture. My sweet mom came to the rescue and worked her booty off loading everything with us and  helping us clean our new apartment.

Once again, my mother is seriously an angel.  She and I busted out everything we could without furniture- including washing every dish and organizing the kitchen, bathroom, and storage closets, and we got to decorate for a few minutes too before the boys got back with all the furniture. (if she hadn't been there our house would still be in complete chaos!)

We finally got settled enough. (we still had our bed to set up and a few boxes of clothes and nick knacks to unpack. Mike and I slept in the guest bedroom that night because that was all set up.)

After 3 hours of sleep the alarms went off at 5.  I had the social studies of the Praxis (teacher examination) to take that morning.

I put a wrong address of the testing center into my GPS so I was 20 minutes late to check in.  As I was filling out the paperwork, I realized Mike had my drivers license in his wallet from the airport! I had to speak with the manager of the testing center to pull some strings and get permission to take my test an hour and a half late. In a slight panic I called Mike at work in West Valley.  I sped up to grab it, thankfully his dad came and met me in South Salt Lake to give me my license, I sped back down to Lindon and got into the test.

Here is the kicker. I did not pass  the social studies (again) by 1 point. ONE POINT. I felt like throwing up when I saw my score. When I got in the car, I cried and texted Mike.  I then called my mom and vented to her.

A reason why I felt so frustrated is that this was the last test date before the school semester begins and I was trying to get the test done before school starts.  I have studied and studied for this test and cannot seem to pass it!  The other sections were so easy for me so its frustrating that I cannot pass this section.

One of my favorite scriptures is found in the Doctrine and Covenants section 123 verse 17 it says_ "..Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."

So, I am left to cheerfully do all that I can and then be assured. I am so very grateful for my family especially my husband who brightens my days and loves me unconditionally. I am most grateful for the knowledge I have of this life, of God, and of His plan for us.  All is well.

The good news is that we are [nearly] totally settled into our cute little apartment! It feels like home there and it has been so fun to make a home with Mike! Here are a few of my favorite parts in our apartment! We are not done, but we are going for a modern shabby chic look.  with lots of touches of New York! (of course :) )

lots of love,

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