She is closer to being one than she is to being a newborn. I can't handle it. Time is a meany. I just want it to slow the freak down.
Lyla is so fun right now! She isn't really mobile yet so I can leave her with toys and she will sit and entertain herself and its so nice to have a few minutes here and there without her destroying everything. She is starting to copy, she fake coughs like its her job, she sometimes waves and gives high fives, she is still so stubborn, smiley, and cuddly. She is sleeping really well. We have her sleep trained, so she falls asleep on her own for naps and bedtime, and she sleeps through the night sometimes, if she doesn't sleep through the night she will sleep from 7-5 and need to eat and then she will sleep til 7 or 8. We love this girl and are enjoying this stage as she is starting to develop more of her personality and begin to discover more of the world.
Lots of love,
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