

Friday, June 16, 2017

Pregnancy Pros

This is what happens when you let your sister come to the doctor visit with you.. such an embarrassing yet real photo of how life has been lately. 

As we are rounding up to our last week and a half of pregnancy,  I realized there are some things I am going to miss. Amidst a lot of discomfort, there are some really great things about pregnancy. Here's a list of the pregnancy pros:

1. Feeling the baby move. The hiccups, kicks, punches, scoots, etc. I LOVE watching and feeling the baby move all day and night. It makes me smile every time!

2. People are so nice! Strangers and friends are constantly asking about me and how I am doing. I am always offered a seat when in a public place. I love how everyone is just so nice to a pregnant woman.

3. Massages! I have had a free pass to get a massage from my husband just about every single day of my pregnancy. Seriously, I think I get a massage at least 5 days a week! He is too good to me, I know! I will miss that!

4. Giving into cravings. Sometimes, the craving is just so strong that you cannot talk sense into yourself. Normally I am one to just eat something I have on hand regardless of how bad I am craving something, but during pregnancy, I have gone to get exactly what I want.

5. The anticipation. The anticipation always makes things better! I have never anticipated something so intensely in my life. I am dying to see our little girl and to find out what she looks like, how she acts, etc. I am so excited to meet her!

6. The miracle of pregnancy. The miracle of life being created, and developing inside of me. It is truly amazing! I am so grateful we were able to get pregnant with our sweet girl after months of trying. And I am so grateful that she is healthy so far.

Update- My preeclampsia symptoms have gotten worse so they have scheduled me for an early induction at our 38 week point on the 27th. Yesterday I was dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced. I was up 3 times last night with some pretty strong contractions, so we will see if she comes on her own before the 27th!

We are getting so so excited to hold her, kiss her, and love her in just a week and a half or less!

Lots of love,

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