I know I will look back on this one day and it won't bring me to tears. I know it will make me smile. It will make me feel grateful for the lessons we are learning as poor college students. But right now, this story is fresh and stings a little.
Money has been a little tight since we have been married. We do not go without anything. We have everything we need, but when it comes to extras and fun we really have to be picky and careful. This year, we set a Christmas Budget that was almost completely taken up by our big purchase of a new Canon Camera that we are SO excited to use!! All other presents have been necessities. Socks, shoes and new sweaters.
Sweet Mike lets me do my own shopping for Christmas and my birthday every year. I am picky and so he lets me choose exactly what I want. But Mike always sneaks in one present that I have NO idea about and it is always spot on! Its usually something that I have randomly commented on in passing. He is so sweet. I know he loves doing this so much! His face when he sees me open this special gift is pure joy every time. I can't tell you how observant and sweet he is. These presents melt me every. single. time.
Last night, he walked in from work and ran straight to our guest room, which is also currently the Christmas present wrapping station and shut the door and told me not to come in! When he walked out I asked him if he spent a lot of money. He said not to worry about it. I told him if it was more than $25 or $30 we really didn't have it in the budget this month and it had to be returned. He then revealed that he spent well over $30. I told him sorry but we really had to take it back. He walked back into the room and took off the bow and unwrapped the present. As he silently did this I began to cry. I knew I was crushing him. He really loves doing this every year and it is honestly the sweetest most tender thing. He opened the box and I saw that he bought me the temple bag I had picked out randomly back in the fall. I remember the moment perfectly. I saw it on the wall at Deseret Book and walked directly to it, it is BEAUTIFUL!! I remember commenting on how pretty it was and then I pulled out the price tag and chuckled, it was way too expensive for a temple bag. Especially when I already had a perfectly functioning temple bag. That was the one and only conversation we had about that bag. He remembered it for months. Gosh I can't get over how sweet he is. Anyways, as he threw away the wrapping and grabbed the receipt. We walked to the door to take it back and he turned into me to hug me and began to cry. I think I have seen Mike cry a total of 3 times ever. He doesn't cry. I felt awful. But I knew we had to take back the bag. He whispered that he wished he could do more for me. And that this present meant more to him than any other part of Christmas. And my heart broke even more. He works his butt off for us!! It was a hard night.
I couldn't imagine not writing this memory down and I know we will be grateful to have it down the road. I am so grateful for my sweet Mike and all he does for me. I am the luckiest wife. He my greatest blessing next to my knowledge of and belief in the Gospel. We will have a wonderful Christmas without the surprise overpriced temple bag. I was overwhelmed with my husband's Christ-like example of love and service. I want to be more like him. And even though I crushed him and we returned the prettiest temple bag I have ever seen, the message of this gift hit me hard. I hope to remember these feelings over the next few days as we celebrate Christ's birth.
Lots of love,
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