I have so many emotions about Lyla turning one tomorrow. This birthday is full of happiness and excitement, and some sadness because the baby stage is coming to an end.
I made a video of Lyla's first year, posted here.
This has been a year full of so much learning. I had no idea that parenting would include such high highs and some low lows. I had no idea how much it would require me to change. I had no idea my heart was capable of so much love for my family. I had no idea how much I would celebrate the littlest things, like dancing, a high five, eating independently, SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT (LOL)
Having Lyla join our family was the greatest blessing. The early months of her life felt really long. I was sleep deprived, healing, adjusting to mom life, and she needed SO much from us all hours of the day. But after we got into a routine, time started to fly right by!! Being her mom is one of the best things in my life. I cherish it. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I can't wait to see what the next few years bring. I can't wait to watch her continue to learn and discover this great big world.
I love my Lyla Bug SO much,
Mama Brookey