Lyla is three months! She is growing by the second. We are having so so much fun with her!
She has become such a little love bug this month! She LOVES kisses. She is so funny how she will give the biggest open mouth kisses to us. On occasion she will hold us to her mouth by our cheeks or hair until she has had enough of a kiss. I love it. Sweet babe. She also demands to be held. If she is being held, she is an angel baby, if she isn't being held she only lasts about a minute or two before she starts screaming. I always wanted a snuggly baby and I am so grateful she loves to be loved, but it is also a little high maintenance to hold her all the time, little stinker is too spoiled.
At three months she is rolling from belly to back (only sometimes), giving the wettest kisses, laughing, smiling all the time, LOVES her binky, talks nonstop, sleeping through the night, and putting herself to sleep. Oh how we adore our little lyla love bug!
lots of love,