

Friday, March 10, 2017

Dear Baby Girl

You are 23 weeks now! You're over a pound and you are almost a foot long! You're getting so big in there sweat pea. I cannot believe we are under 4 months until I get to snuggle you. I hope you're ready for all of the kisses and squishy cuddles, because there are a lot coming. Daddy and I are elated to have you here with us. Thank you for letting daddy and I be your parents.

You, my sweet girl have started to give me some good strong kicks. Daddy joked the other day that this is the reason why you're so skinny compared to your head, you're getting some good exercise in there. You have moved up much higher in my belly this week and you are rapidly approaching my ribs. I am not looking forward to those rib kicks, especially since you are so active in there! You mostly prefer to kick me in my full bladder when I need to go potty and you kick a lot when I am hungry. Funny girl.

This week I have been worried about you. Worried about the world you are going to grow up in. When I was little, the world was more simple, less corrupt and I didn't have technology throwing new ideas and lifestyles at me all of the time. You will not grow up in this way. You will see and hear things that contradict everything your dad and I believe and will teach you. You will be left to make difficult choices for yourself about what to believe and how to live your best life from a very early age. I hope dad and I can do you right by teaching you, being examples for you, and allowing you enough independence throughout your life so you don't crash and burn one day when you're on your own making big kid choices. I already love you so much and worry about you every single day. I hope you are happy. I hope you feel loved and important. I hope you come to know your Heavenly Father, personally.

I love you sweet baby girl. I hope you know that, every single day.

Lots of love,

Friday, March 3, 2017

22 Weeks

This week the baby is the size of a spaghetti squash! She is 15 ounces and 11 inches long.

We had our mid pregnancy ultrasound yesterday. Everything looked great and she is healthy. I can't tell you how relieved I am! She was active- shocker- throughout the whole ultrasound and we had to try many different positions to get all of the pictures they needed of the organs and bones. We also had a super hard time getting a picture of her profile. We tried and tried and tried. We got a few pictures but nothing super clear, because this baby is so BUSY! She also swats and kicks at everything that encroaches on her space. So sassy. The ultrasound should have taken 20-30 minutes, but we were in there for 50 minutes.

She did use the time to show us just how sassy she was, covering her face when we were trying to get pictures, giving the peace sign with her fingers, waving hi, and the best was when we were talking about how stubborn she was she legitimately shook her head up and down three times. I was dying it was too funny.

Her head circumference was in the 85th percentile- not good news for delivery day for this mama. But the rest of her body was small between 30-50th percentiles and her stomach circumference was a small 24th percentile. So good luck to me, I am going to be very grateful for that epidural! Give me all the meds!

We were looking at her little face to check for a cleft pallet- which she doesn't have, and we got a super detailed picture of her nose. She has the Polynesian nose that we all got from my mom's side of the family. Her head shape and cheeks looked rounded like mine too! But we will see when she comes. I have been convinced this whole time that she would look like Mike, but now I think she is going to look like me. Hopefully she will get my darker skin and mike's curly hair!

I am so excited to meet this girl. We are excited to get started on her nursery we are planning to start buying things on Saturday! Mikes parents ordered the crib and mattress for us this week! (They are so kind and have already begun spoiling this baby so much!) I am so excited to see it in her little room! We bought a few more bows for her this week :/ someone needs to stop me. I just can't with all of the cute bows! We just adore this sweet little baby already!! We are so excited to be parents!

Lots of love,